One thing we have wanted to do for quite some time is ride in a hot air balloon. Until now we either haven't had the time, or the place wasn't right. However there is not much of a better place to go in a balloon then in Kenya.

Some elephants roaming in the forest. Still pretty high. It was a little difficult to get the camera to focus. It took a couple of tries but I think we go some pretty good ones.

I had to do the stretched out arm picture again, from the balloon with the beautiful Mara in the background.

The Pilot had a camera on a string so that he would be able to get a picture of all of us, I think it turned out pretty good.
Early morning, pre-sunrise getting fired up. It was a little chilly in the morning but close to the burner was quite warm.
Both of us looking cool pre-flight.
Sunrise on the Mara!
Can you see right in the middle, the Giraffe? We were pretty high up at this point.

Some elephants roaming in the forest. Still pretty high. It was a little difficult to get the camera to focus. It took a couple of tries but I think we go some pretty good ones.
A lot of Zebras and Antelopes called Topi. Remember this was pre great migration time. I can only imagine what it is like during the migration.

I had to do the stretched out arm picture again, from the balloon with the beautiful Mara in the background.

The Pilot had a camera on a string so that he would be able to get a picture of all of us, I think it turned out pretty good.
1 comment:
Wow. You guys are having the coolest adventures. (That might be a note of jealousy there, maybe.)
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