The cutest one had to be the baby elephant. Our guide said that this one was about 4 days old. How cute is that.
Can you see the baby hippo hiding behind his mama?
A couple of baby gazelles learning where to go and what to stay away from.
The antelopes called Topi.
A family of warthogs. These guys are very skittish. They did not like anyone getting close.
Another baby zebra. This guy is such a cute little zebra.
A family of mongooses. These guys were fast, and hard to catch on the camera.
These were not exactly babies but they were a couple of young cubs learning how to hunt.
This was a tiny hyena that hasn't gotten his spots yet along with another baby that was a little older and has started changing colors.
Little baby lions, they are so cute. They didn't really care much for us hanging around so they decided to walk on down the way. The mama wasn't far behind so you didn't want to get too close, but they were just too cute not to stop and take a look.
How cute!
I love the pictures!! I'm also really impressed that you've managed to put captions under almost all of them, that's devotion there.. You guys look like you had so much fun!!
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