We actually went to three cities in Australia. We definitely saved the best for last. Our last stop was Cairns, and one of the days there we went up to Port Douglas and took a boat out to the Great Barrier Reef. This really was one of the coolest things ever

Here is me, ready to jump in the water. The water wasn't really that cold but the wet suit was cool!

Look at Suzanne with her pink flippers.

We got some really amazing shots underwater. We almost didn't rent the underwater camera but now we are really glad that we did.

There were so many different types of fish and coral, just really cool.

Here is proof that Suzanne did actually get in the water. She actually got pretty good at the snorkeling.

I really like the striking difference of the fish with the coral as the background

Some of the pictures almost look like fake desktop background pictures

Some more really cool coral, there may be a fish or two hiding in the mix

Hey look that's me

We were able to get one of the other snorkelers to take our picture together, I think this one turned out pretty good
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