This was probably the prettiest picture of the trip. It was sunrise at Uluru Ayers Rock in the middle of Australia. We got up really early to see the sun come up over the rock. See next Picture.

Here is the Rock. The Aboriginal people have lots of history and beliefs around the Rock

Here is us on a lunch cruise with the Sydney Harbor bridge and the Opera house in the background.

This was a picture from one of the wildlife preserves. We thought it was a cute picture of a Wallaby family. Can you see the little baby in the pouch?

Here is a shot of us getting ready for our snorkeling. We tried to sign up for the scuba diving but with her asthma and my collapsed lung (from 5 years ago) we were rejected, but we still got some really cool pictures underwater.

A picture of some fish and coral in the Great Barrier Reef. I really think we got to see just as much snorkeling as we would have scuba diving we just couldn't stay underwater as long. Here are just some sample pictures of our trip, more to come later.
Those are some way cool pictures. I know you've missed folks and everything, but really, what an amazing opportunity! The Great Barrier Reef? How cool is that! I think a lot of folks regret not traveling and/or not leaving the country. Strike those regrets right off your lists!
glad ya'll had a good time!
I hope you guys wouldn`t forget about Nigeria! Common we need you guys more than Australians.
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