Saturday, January 24, 2009

Playing with my new camera

Suzanne bought me this fancy new camera for my birthday, and since then I've been playing with it to see what all I can do.

Here we are trying out the automatic timer feature. Our previous cameras had the auto feature but we never took the time to figure out how they work, but this one was fairly simple.

Dave pretending to know how to play the guitar. Suzanne bought this for me last Christmas, and since then I've learned how to play an E Chord a G chord and a D chord. Soon I'm going to learn how to switch between them.

We went out to a place called the Piano bar.

The owner of the place also got on stage and sang some of the songs.

Here I'm testing out the Black and White feature of the Camera. I like my new toy!

The four of us having a good time as usual.

We danced to a Willie Nelson song. We are in Nigeria, doing the Texas two step to a Lebanese man, singing some Willie. How cool is that!


Jennifer Juniper said...

Looks like you guys had a blast.. and it does kind of stand to reason, I mean for those of us not Suzanne is there anything easier to dance to (without looking like an idiot) than country??

The Cleavelin Chronicles said...

Read my've been tagged!