Friday, August 1, 2008

Out to dinner... and an adventure

We went out to dinner with our friends from work and the ninth floor of our apartment building

Reza and Amy

She's so cute.

Look at the lovely ladies, we had a lovely dinner
Now to the adventure...

Our elevator decided that it only wanted to go up 2 and 1/2 floors

Finally we decided that we were tired of waiting so we tried to open the doors. We banged and banged until finally someone heard us and they tried to open the door but it was locked. The maintenance people came and they couldn't get the door open. After about 45 min of trying to open the door we found a latch that let it open and we climbed out. It was quite an adventurous way to end the evening.


Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness!!!

I can't believe first of all that you guys thought to take pictures at a time like that (we are indeed related), and secondly, that you look so happy while stuck in an elevator.

Was there wine and/or beer with the meal?

Dave & Suzanne said...

Margarita's !

Jennifer Juniper said...

Wow.. I'm very impressed that Suzanne didn't lose it!!

noname said...

dude its okay u get use to it lol welcome to naija funny cuz am here in los angeles but a nigerian. but definitly proud of u not being a mugu. GOOD OYIBO lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne and Dave,

You don’t know me of course, but I could not resist dropping you a line from Holland. Now perhaps you’re wondering how I arrived on your blog…I was searching the web in a sudden urge of nostalgia about Lagos, curious if I would be able to find anything about the LYC.
Much to my amazement there ìs indeed a LYC site. By accident I clicked on your blog!
I must tell you, that I so much enjoyed reading your stories and photo’s, they took me back some 29(!) years ago, when I lived in Lagos (Akintola building, Awolowo Road on Ikoyi, to be precise). From English friends, whom I met in Lagos at the time, I heard that the building has been demolished some years ago. I tried to find the location on Google Earth, and I was absolutely shocked to tears to have found it. The exact spot was not hard to recognize, because the building was built in a star-shape and the foundation apparently is still there.
The things you write about are of course very familiar to me, like NEPA failing, and therefore no water, nor elevator, and therefore having to climb 9 flights of stairs. The people were indeed very friendly, if you treated them with that same dignity and friendliness.
Well Suzanne and Dave, I hope you were not bored by my story and I can only say: enjoy and live each moment there as if it will be the most important experience in your lives.
Love, Katja