Friday, July 18, 2008

Shipment should be here soon

We shipped a bunch of our stuff over here, the week before I came home and they promised us delivery within two weeks. Well promises around here are about worth the paper that they are printed on. We've now both been back for 5 weeks, and including the 2 weeks that I was home we are now about the 8th week in to waiting for our 2 week air shipment. We have been on the phone, and email and have been promised "Oh it will be there tomorrow" since I figured out that they weren't going to get our stuff here without constant attention. This has been the cause of much consternation since we have been back, and again yesterday we have been promised our stuff will get here today. The last excuse that they gave us was that our stuff was at the airport but they couldn't get a forklift to get our things onto a truck. One of the really frustrating aspects was that the majority of the hold up wasn't the Nigerian company but the company shipping our stuff out of Houston. If you ever want to know who not to use when shipping thing out of Houston just talk to me and I'll tell you who not to use. (On a side note if you want to know which discount online travel agency not to use ask me about that and I'll tell you that too.)

Anyway our stuff is supposed to get here today so hopefully we can get it and stop worrying about it.

1 comment:

Jennifer Juniper said...

Oh wow!! Suzanne must be having kittens!! & Incidentally, I found some pictures from her shower, but I'm holding them ransom until I get someone's email address..