Friday, June 20, 2008

Back in Nigeria

Everything has been really hectic the past couple of weeks. I have been on R&R and I needed to come back to Nigeria to get a break from my R&R. We packed up our house to rent it out while we are not there, and that alone consumed most of my break. Also my wife came back with me this time so we also had to pack for an extended period in another county. Getting internet hooked up in the apartment has been a challenge. I had a laptop connect card while I was here and it worked fine, but when we got here with her laptop the card did not fit in the slot. So we had to find other means of getting connected and it has been slow going. Our shipment from the US still has not arrived either, so she doesn’t have any of her stuff to decorate the apartment. I had quite a challenge adjusting when I arrived, but I thought that it wouldn’t be as much of a challenge for her because I would be here to help. However, that has not been the case, and all of the same challenges that I had before we seem to be having together now. Eventually things will settle down and get back to normal (at least as normal as one can get here) When we get the internet hooked up at the home I’ll probably pass off the blog to her and let her run with it.


Jennifer Juniper said...

She'll be fine and I'll bet that she gets over it faster because you're there.. She does after all believe that you can do anything.

Rebecca said...

Don't pass on the blog entirely, though. I like getting Dave thoughts as well as Suzanne thoughts. :)

Dave & Suzanne said...

Maybe it will become a joint venture. Maybe we'll make a game out of it, see who can guess correctly if it is a Dave post or a Suzanne post. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out, but could be fun!