Friday, May 2, 2008


When in Rome...
When in Africa, you must dress like an African
They all call me the African Amarican... hmmmmm...
Dave and George




Rebecca said...

I like the outfit, but why so serious all the time?

Jennifer Juniper said...

Love the look.. it's all GQ, but as Suzanne pointed out: why is the white boy wearing the Nigerian clothes, while the Nigerians are dressed completely normal??

Dave & Suzanne said...

Normally everybody wears their Nigerian clothes on Friday, but for some reason that Friday I was the only one.

Jennifer Juniper said...

Yeah, just keep telling us that, it's not like we can go ask the guys to confirm..

Anonymous said...

Dude that is some funny stuff man. Lovin the look, but for the record...I knew you'd go native.